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Multisensor underwater platform Aqualog

The Aqualog moored profiling carrier collects regular time series of vertical profiles of ocean environmental data at a fixed geographic position over extended periods of time.

The profiler is equipped with conventional oceanographic probes and makes repeated round trips up and down a taut mooring wire between the subsurface flotation and the anchor while maintaining a stable orientation with respect to the current direction.

When compared to traditional moorings, which use multiple instruments at fixed depths, the profiler acts as a lift for a single set of third-party sensors thus increasing the vertical resolution of the data while decreasing operational costs and optimizing value.

Project news

  • The GPRS buoy serves

    ant gprs moored news 100The GPRS buoy  serves for the data and command exchange between the mooring and a user via Internet. Also with the Aqulog profiler can be used the radio buoy which transmits the observational data and telemetry information from the mooring to the coastal station. In return, it receives commands from the coastal station.

  • The Aqualog Profiler with a hydroacoustic Benthos

    acc com news 100The Aqualog Profiler can accommodate a hydroacoustic Benthos ATM modem to transmit the data and the telemetric information. Data is transferred real-time to the subsurface flotation by using inductive modems. Then the tether transmits the information from the subsurface flotation to the surface buoy.

  • The proprietary Aqualog software

    soft top 100The proprietary Aqualog software allows the user to establish an automatic operation algorithm (start time and interval of profiles, working depths, sampling frequency, etc.) in line with the modern adaptive sampling approach to ocean observations.


Last reviews about Aqualog profiler

  • The Oceanography Center, University of Cyprus

    The Oceanography Center, University of Cyprus in cooperation with the Experimental Design Office of the Oceanologic Institute of the Science Academy in Russia and the Institute of Marine Research of the Eastern Mediterranean, have designed an experiment where the autonomous profiler combined with a CTD device and special sensors, will be able to provide sea currents, dissolved oxygen and other biochemical element measurements.

  • Eastern Regional Hydrometeorological Research Inst. (Russia)

    The Aqualog system is designed for multidisciplinary oceanological studies and environmental monitoring on the sea shelves and continental slopes. An autonomous carrier (marine elevator) for different oceanic measuring equipment was developed for the ?rst time in the practice of Russian oceanography. It is a carrier, for example, for an acoustic Doppler current meter, a CTD-pro?ler, a sensor of dissolved oxygen, a ?uorometer, a turbidity meter, etc.

  • The Fredy & Nadine Herrmann Inst. of Earth Sciences (Israel)

    This approach allows the user to optimize ocean measurements over a large depth range. A single set of sensors is used, instead of several sets of sensors at fixed depths, which greatly reduces both the cost of a survey and the time spent on instrument maintenance and calibration. Such a system can collect regular profiles over a large depth range (e.g. 500 m) at high temporal and vertical resolutions at fixed geographical location over continental slopes or in the open ocean during a season or longer.
